Castlehill Builds Character
Castlehill’s program of instruction challenges students and gives them the tools to succeed.

Be Kind
Kindness is the cornerstone of our school community. We teach our students the importance of treating others with respect and empathy. Simple acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those around us. We can be kind by speaking politely, being supportive, helping people, motivating others, and by following the Golden Rule: Treating others how we want to be treated.
Kindness is an important part of our Castlehill culture and it is a skill we practice each day. In a world where you can be anything… BE KIND! “Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give”
Be Respectful
Respect is vital in creating a harmonious environment. Students are taught to respect their peers, teachers, and everyone they encounter. By understanding and valuing the differences in others, our students develop a strong sense of respect.
When we unveiled our “Be Respectful” dragon, we read the story Respectful Ninja, by Mary Nhin. The story beautifully discusses the many ways to show respect using the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. acronym: R – remember to use your manners, E – Effort in everything you do, S – Self-respect includes accepting who you are, P – Pay attention to the speaker, E – Everyone is included, C – Care for the world and things around you, T – Treat others how you would want to be treated.

Have Courage
Courage is not just about facing physical challenges; it’s also about speaking up for what is right and having the confidence to be oneself. We encourage our students to be brave and stand up for their beliefs.
When we introduced our “Have Courage” dragon, and read the story Brave Ninja, by Mary Nhin. We discussed how when we try something new, it takes courage to overcome our fears. The book uses the B.R.A.V.E. acronym as a process for finding our courage: B – Breathe by taking 3 deep breaths, R – Relax your muscles, A – Adopt positive body language, V – Visualize your success, E – Embrace a mantra, like “I can do hard things”.
Act with Integrity
Integrity is the foundation of trust. Our students learn the importance of honesty and integrity in all their actions, as this not only builds their character but also helps them earn the trust of others.
When we introduced our “Act with Integrity” dragon. We talked about how having integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It is about being honest, and telling the truth, even when it might be hard. If we find something that doesn’t belong to us, we try to find the owner, or at school, we turn it in to lost & found.

Show Compassion
Compassion is about caring for others and helping those in need. Through our program, students develop a sense of compassion and learn the value of giving back to their community.
Compassion is not just being kind, but understanding someone else’s feelings. We talk about how to show support for someone that might be feeling sad, or giving ourselves grace when we are struggling. Being able to show compassion and empathy is a wonderful quality!
Be Responsible
Responsibility is an essential life skill. We teach our students to take ownership of their actions, both in and out of school. By being responsible, they become reliable and accountable individuals.
We are responsible for many things, including upholding the values of the other 5 dragons: Be Kind, Be Respectful, Act with Integrity, Show Compassion, and Have Courage. Being responsible is about taking ownership for our actions, taking care of our belongings, making good choices, and not blaming others. We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves, our community, and our Earth!